My name is Dr. Mary Gomes, and I am a professor at Sonoma State University. My goal on this website is to provide free education and resources to educate, enlighten, and support you on your path of living with depth and integrity in these times.

These free, self-paced educational materials are based on courses that I developed at
Sonoma State University, redesigned here as free, open-access resources for
community learning, outside of formal educational institutions. You can complete an entire course, or work with specific modules that interest you.
Explore the relationship between human flourishing and the well-being of the Earth.
Delve into the science and soul of dreaming, and learn to listen deeply to your own dreams.
Cultivate kindness toward yourself in the midst of life’s challenges, and extend compassion to others.
Spiky Purple Medicine:
Dreaming of a Plant Spirit
I gave this presentation on a healing dream involving plant medicine with co-author Victoria Brekelmans at the Annual Conference (online) of the International Association for the Study of Dreams in June 2021.